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About Us

We love nature, plants and animals with a special place for cacti and succulents in our heart!


My husband HK and I started to collect cacti and succulents in college. My passion grew very slowly just like the plants did until one day, my Mammillaria fragilis started to bloom in a November after living with me for nine years! I was very stoked by the delicate little white flowers so I decided to get more cactus. The next spring, I have many flowers from the new cacti I bought. And the flowers got pollinated by nature somehow, they became seedpods. In summer, the seeds dropped into the soil at the base of the mother plant, and soon they became seedlings... I was fascinated… so my collection of these plants and books about them started to expand exponentially.  By 2022, I had over 1000 potted cacti and succulents from America to Africa. HK suggests that we should turn our hobby into a business so that we can go further with our passion. HK and I started our nursery Echo's Cacti and Succulents in Houston, Texas, where we have a home for our two kids, a dog and a cat, two sulcata tortoises together with all the green babies.   


We face challenges growing desert plants in tropical Houston, where each year there are many hot summer nights, high humidity and unpredictable winter freezes, we always enjoy taking up these challenges. They motivate us to understand more about natural habitats and how plants grow in nature. We apply the knowledge from nature into practice by providing what is needed by the plants incorporating with our local climate.


With our special love on cacti and succulents, we are growing thousands of species in our nursery, including many rare and hard-to-find species. We provide seeds, seedlings, matured specimens, and well established propagations from cuttings to the market locally and nationwide. Customers love our excellent product quality, customer service, and our great advices provided on cultivation of cacti and succulents from all over the world.

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